Spring flowers blooming in Queens
New York is a lot like Melbourne in a lot of ways. Queens, where I work, has a huge Greek population; My boss thinks it's the largest group of Greeks outside Europe - which turns out to be true - Melbourne comes in like 4th or something. But the Greek cluster around here has introduced me to some wicked tasty food. I'm in love with Baklava and I blame it’s high sugar content (along with coke) for making my teeth sore. (touch wood that ain't my wisdom teeth aching) While we’re on Queens - it's the largest of the boroughs, considered to be the most residential - it was one of the original 12 counties of New York and was named for the then-queen consort, Catherine of Braganza, wife of Charles II. Ha. There you go.
But anyway, New York has endless history, culture and attitude. Just like Melbourne. If they'd change the stupid metric system and get rid of the rats, New York would almost be on par with Melbourne. Forever the patriot. Some of the similarities I'm not quite eloquent enough to get onto paper - but all this stuff has made it such an easy transition from one wicked city to another.
Target over here is insane. It's so much more high-profile than in Australia. Check out some of the ad's I was forwarded from my work mate Emil. http://www.dexigner.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9883
It downright puts our target to shame. SHAME. Although the campaigns are getting better - and I did read about the Stellar McCartney stampedes at Target, Chadstone...maybe things have changed...
Redken freebies...
Work delt out some old Redken products today (they’re one of our Clients). It was beauty products bonanza. I nabbed more shampoo than I'll ever use – and more hair treatments than my newly cut hair could ever soak up. But dammit it was free - I'll eat the stuff for dinner come the end of the month. There surely some fruit extracts or ho-ho-va or protein or something...
Emil and Ellen at their desks on one of the hotter & sunnier spring days.
The presets at Studio B, Brooklyn
So I've attempted going out on the town a few times while here - most times escorted by the lovely Andrew, who's been integral at introducing me to the night time underbelly of the big apple - but when trying to see miss kitten and later the ed banger night (with Presets and Justice...saw the Cut Copy boys out front) we were left stranded outside, lining up in a futile attempt to nab some on-the-door tickets. Both times failing to make it in and aborting to one of the many cool bars to lick our wounds with expensive liquor. But on Saturday night the ticketing gods smiled on us. Andrew PRE booked some tickets to a show in Brooklyn with the Presets and Datarock. And tickets were only 10 dollars. It was great - they were great - people storming the stage and the whole kit and caboodle. Missed Datarock - but for 10 bucks I was satisfied with a stellar performance from the presets.
I’m not 21 yet – as most of you know. But the genius thing about that is my birthday is 3rd of August 1986. When written on my ID it says 3/8/1986. Which to Americans means 8th of March 1986 – which means I’m 21. The timing was perfect considering I touched down on the 7th of March. And it works everytime. Mad.
But despite the high – there have enevidbly been the lows - as I was warned would happen. Work has been challenging, my wallets been light and I've been finding more stupid flaws with the apartment. But I've had two vices that have been my saviours in these darker moments
1) Food - ever the comforter and
2) music - ever the empathiser.
I'm slowly getting into a rhythm with work and home - I think with in a few weeks I'll have the whole routine down-pat. I'm also getting a bloody cold as Spring roles in (much like the rest of my workmates) but luckily Mum and Dad have lovingly sent me these cute hankies that have an N on them. Awesome.
Dude - this car is following me everywhere....
Adjusting to the American diet has been a stress on the guts I think - as I'm gassy - more gassy than usual. I'm just non-stop gassy. Let's not be shy - I'm totting left right and from the centre. To paint a greasy picture: this was today's menu.
Morning : egg and bacon croissant, banana, 2 slices of baklava at work.
Lunch: salad bagel with say 5 baklavas and 6 cups of tea with sugar and a can or two of Coke.
On way home: stop for a cheeky chicken wrap from wicked street vendor (pictured) - grease literally pouring out of it.
Dinner: last nights pasta with Paul Newman sauce(no microwave, so served cold ). Another can of coke - possibly a couple of cans of Papbs blue ribbon beer to help me sleep through the thumping hiphop ($6.50 for a 12 pack? Who could resist)
So, upon inspection - I can see exactly what's making me fluff - complete disregard for bowel health. Solution? I don't know - any suggestions? Alana - I'm looking at you. My professional integrity is at stake.
The street vendor that sells me my Chicken wrap fix.
The chicken wrap. It's only 3.50 and is served piping hot - this could become a regular meal...
The (deeply satisfied) Chicken wrap eater
Pretty sweet ass school moto that I saw in south Williamsburg. If I had kids here - I know where they’d be going...
Here's my family portrait on the wall. It's the replacement window. I miss my family - there all going down to the beach together - which is rare - so I'm missing them and wishing I could take a well earned break and drive to Lorne for fresh air and beach bum laziness. All I need now is a rocket and a time machine.....
But I'm stuck in New York - with high hopes.
Chicken, your spelling has improved. Very proud of you little one!
Aw shmuckums - don't worry about the beach you're not missing out on anything.
Remember the last time everyone went down to the beach together, except I couldn't go because I was at revolver until 3pm?
Well this is like that time.
that pic you drew makes me cry.
(looks like i finally figured out how to comment your blogs - i am so smart S M R T )
ohhh delta delta, that's my favourite homer quote.
anyway this was my favourite ever post of yours Nick, it was so in depth, and such an interesting read. =)
Aww, I love love loved that piccy at the end. I just can't get my head around how you can do that.
Now, what pointless, longwinded comment am I going to add today? Hmmm. I love your hankies, they are adorable :) In London, they had 6 packs for 5 pounds and you could buy them at the service station, corner store etc. Plus they had about 4 pubs for each person per block. It is tempting to substitute beer for water/milk somedays.
I'm doing this thing at the moment where before I sit down to study in the morning I do something that makes me laugh/puts me in a really good mood - Your blog is very good for this :) You. make. me. happy :) Keep up the good work, partnrrr. awwww. What's wrong with me today, I'm all mushy on the inside. Must be something in the water
Um, that was really awesome, Nick, something for everyone. I CANT BELIEVE that about your ID, thats the greatest cross hemispherical scam Ive ever heard. It's meant to be. And the school motto. And your drawing. Australia's Got Talent!! Miss you sunshine...
Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!
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