Friday, September 14, 2007

Go out with a bang

Well my time in New York ended suddenly and - shock horror - I'm writing this from home soil. I've been back since August and my blog took a back seat other stuff. But really - there's a lot to report on and a lot of pictures to share. I had a glorious last month packed chock full of it bit's enough to make any traveler proud. Forgive the cliché but it's only in hindsight that I realize how much fun I had.

So - as usual I'm just going to take cues from my photos and piece together the last few weeks I had in beautiful New York, New York.

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f*ck yeah

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Georgie's last night in town.

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It got a little messy - but it was all worth it.

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I had fun.

Summer was in full swing by this time and the pride parade was on this very hot sunny (dare I say Barhmy) Saturday in the city. It was surprising how many churches had floats - compared to something like the mardigra where novelty is much more of a york seemed to make it a community organization based parade...kinda cool

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I had a great day - My cousins friend Shamus had a small gathering in his apartment - which over looked the end of the parade. There was something very New York about sitting on a rickidy fire escape waving at all the neighbours and staring at the streamers and confetti and bubble flying past in the sunshine. All this plus beers and the entertainment going on below...sigh. Was nice.

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I was also lucky enough to around for July 4th Celebrations - spent the day hanging out with friends at the pool hall and soaking up the joy of American independence. While generally goofing around with Danny et al...

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PS1 is a huge gallery out in Queens where all the kids go on the weekend to sit in the sun and drink beer. I was told it's the place where everybody that lives in Manhattan that doesn't have a holiday house in the Hampton's goes to cool off and get out of the city. It's kind of like a normal outdoor festival in Australia with not as many people - but that's exciting in New York.

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Each year they have a batch of young architect's design the outside pavilion - this year it was these huge pole supported structures that spewed water all over the crowd spiratically. Made for some very angry hipsters with busted phones and a fun vibe..

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The gallery is the brain child of MoMA (museum of modern art). How could you resist live bands - sprinklers and beer outside a pretty toff contemporary gallery?

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It's called PS1 because it's a renovated public school (all public schools are given a number for a it more character don't you think? 'I go to PS34' - 'oh yeah? I go to PS35!')
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We each other with our left hand while the sprinklers dribbled on the paper.

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I bought new shoes. These Nike's set me back 40 bucks...amazing. So amazing - I got naked...

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Here's a really cool little sculpture in the front window of a Hari Krishna commune - displaying the stages of life. I like it how the man gets money when he's old and his back is hunched if to say whats the use of having that money in your old age? Deep - Krishnas - deep

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I also went to some great dinner parties in midtown with a bunch of my Australian friends..playing boardgames with friends in a NYC apartment made me feel like I was inside a sitcom. how bizarre - how bizarre

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Here's a sign in West village (where I was living for my last month and a bit)

I couldn't decide weather it's authentic..I think it is. Dirty flying Frenchmen and there bombs...

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I had a very inspiring trip to the Mother museum - MoMA

It's was amazing.

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So the main part of my last few weeks in NYC - I committed to having as much fun with all of the friends I made (aww) but's true. In fact I have the following photography to prove it...

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My lovely work mates shouted me a delicious dinner and it was the perfect send off.

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goodbye drinks
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Katie at her brand new house in Willy Burg

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Caroline - my favorite Brit. She's alright.

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I'm coming back to New York - because I love New York - New York taught me a lot - showed me a lot and I learned a lot about my self. When I come back I'll start with a better position too which will make everything a whole lot less torturous. Leaving New York has only strengthened my love and need for it - garbage bags, feral cats, Americans and all.

I didn't want to go home - but the cookie crumbles in mysterious ways...or something

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Doing a magnum on the way to the airport...

For now I'm home. Planning the trip back to the mother land. But loving being with friends again and being able to celebrate my 21st (which I'll blog about later) in Melbourne. And Melbourne ain't too shabby. See?

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what should I call the blog?